Beannachtaí na Cásca!
Beannachtaí na Cásca!
Tosaíonn laethanta saoire na Cásca amárach ag meán-lae! Easter holidays begin at 12 noon tomorrow (Friday) and I wish to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy Easter. It will be a different one this year for sure but I hope you all manage to enjoy the day and that you eat plenty of Easter eggs (parents!) Hopefully we will see everyone back at school on April 20th. M.Áine Níos mó >>
Message for parents from M.Áine Níos mó >>
Update:Scoileanna Dúnta/Schools closed until 19/4/20
Press release from the Department of Education and Skills Níos mó >>
Updates re Covid 19 in other languages Níos mó >>