Nuacht na Seachtaine 18/12/24

Nuacht na Seachtaine 18/12/24

1.Carúil sa Long Walk – buíochas leis na páistí ó Rang 5 agus Rang 6/ well done to the pupils from Rang 5 and Rang 6 who sang carols in the Long Walk, and to the parents who collected €290 at the event for Parents’ Council funds.                     2. ‘A Greener Christmas’ Comhghairdeas/Congratulations to Adam , Rang 4 , who won 1st place the ‘Greener Christmas’ poetry competition run by Louth County Council.  He travelled to Drogheda to be presented with his prize, and read his poem out on LMFM radio. Rang 4 were delighted to tune in and hear him! Maith thú, a Adam! 3. Searmanas na Nollag/ Christmas Ceremony and Ceolchoirm na Naíonán/ Infants’ Concert: We were delighted with the crowds that attended both the Searmanas Nollag in the church and the Ceolchoirm in the halla. Photos were taken of Rang 1 last week  in their costumes, and these should be in the Argus and the Leader very soon. Maith sibh uilig! 4. Daidí na Nollag: We were delighted to welcome Daidí na Nollag to the school on Monday, and he visited all the classes. Buíochas le/ thanks to Coiste na dTuistí/Parents’ Council who bought the selection boxes the children received.                         5. Geansaithe Nollag/ Christmas Jumper Day raised €355 for school funds. Míle buíochas do chách!   6. Foirgneamh Nua/ New Building: At long last, our modular building has been installed. The crane could be seen for miles around over the weekend and anyone passing by would have witnessed the enormous feat of engineering that took place to get the 16 cassettes into position. There has been a lot of photos and videos doing the rounds, but here are a few more!  Looking forward to the classes moving in to it in the Spring....   Níos mó >>

Nuacht na Seachtaine 9/12/24

A thuiste, Tá an Nollaig ag teacht! Christmas is coming, and the halla, passageways and classrooms are filled with decorations, seasonal art and the sound of festive music! Margadh Leabhar/ Book Fair:  A total of €2300 was spent at the book fair, and as a result, the school will receive almost €1400 worth of books for the library, for classroom libraries, and for incoming infants. Buíochas/Thanks to M.Bella and M.Aisling Mhic Dhónaill for their work on this.  Maith sibh! Searmanas Carúil/ Holy Family Carol Service: Children from Rang 5 & Rang 6 sang beautifully at the carol service last night and their presence was very much appreciated by all. Carúil sa Long Walk/  Children from Rang 5 & 6 will be Carol-singing in the Long Walk Shopping Centre from  4pm to 5 pm on Thursday -pop round to hear them if you are up town! Searmanas na Nollag/ Christmas Ceremony for Rang 1  to Rang 6 next Tuesday, December 17th at 2.30 p.m. Failte roimh chách. Ceolchoirm Nollag na Naíonán/ Infants Christmas Concert sa halla/ in the halla next Wednesday, December 18th , at 11.30. Ealaín an tSéasúir timpeall na Scoile/ A small selection of seasonal art from around the school        ...   Níos mó >>

Nuacht na Seachtaine 25/11/24 -29/11/24

Seachtain /Week 25 -29 Samhain/November: Comhghairdeas/ Congratulations to M.Sionainn on her recent graduation. She was conferred with a Masters in Education Studies (Early Childhood Education)! She enjoyed the graduation ceremony in Trinity College recently. Bhain na páistí agus an fhoireann sult as ‘Samhain Shuaimhneach’/Mindful November’ . The children and staff  enjoyed mindfulness activities with their clann (colour family) such as colouring, meditation, exercises and reading for 20 minutes each Thursday in November. Miontuairiscí/Minutes of the most recent meeting of Coiste na dTuistí can be read here. Tuairisc Aontaithe/Agreed report of the most recent meeting of the Board of Management can be read here Magadh Leabhar/book fair begins tomorrow – parents welcome from 12:40-1:10 and from 2:30 -3:30 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Feachtas Tinrimh/ Attendance Campaign was organised by M. Jenny over the month of November. Those who were present every day during the month got a small prize, with all those names entered into a draw for 4 larger prizes! Comhghairdeas leis na mbuaiteoirí                             7. Seachtain na hEolaíochta/ Science Week: view video of all the photos  here ! 8. Comhghairdeas/ Congratulations to Rang 6 who took part in the soccer blitz in the Ionad Spóirt/Sports Centre last week. They won 5 games in total -maith sibh! 9. Comhairle Sláinte don  Gheimhreadh/ Winter Health  Advice from the HSE sent to all schools is attached. 10 Oibreacha Tógála/ Building works continue apace, with the modular building itself due to be delivered next weekend. here are a few photos of work during November:   11. Searmanas Carúil an Pharóiste/ Parish Carol service takes place in the Holy  Family Church on Sunday next at 7 p.m. Rang 5 & Rang 6 will be taking part. Fáilte roimh chách!    ...   Níos mó >>

Seachtain na hEolaíochta 2024

Seachtain na hEolaíochta 2024 -fís anseo!   Níos mó >>

Nuacht na Seachtaine 25/11/24

1.Seachtain Feasachta Coláiste: Last week was College Awareness Week and we were delighted  to welcome the parents who came in to speak to Rang 6 about the college courses they undertook, and what career paths they chose. Míle buíochas/thanks to Sinéad (cogaisíocht/pharmacy), Genene (gruagaireacht/hairdressing) and Deirdre (seandálaíocht/archaeology). Go raibh maith agaibh!      2. Tráth na gCeist Chumann na mBunscol/Quiz: Comhghairdeas/ Congratulations to the team from  Rang 6 who came third in the quiz competition organised by Cumann na mBunscol. Maith sibh! 3. Searmanas Cláraithe/Enrolment Ceremony :Comhghairdeas/ Congratulations to the children from Rang 2 who began their preparation for Céad Fhaoiside/First Penance and Céad Chomaoineach/First Communion as they received their certificates of enrolment at Mass on Saturday night. Maith sibh, a phaistí, agus buíochas le M.Caoimhe.               4.Margadh Leabhar/Book Fair:  Beidh an Margadh Leabhar/Book Fair takes place next week! You may send money in with your child on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday to spend at the Book Fair, and you are also welcome to come in yourselves on those days between  12.40 -1.10 or 2.30- 3.30. See flyer...   Níos mó >>